Posts tagged personal trainer for women in vista
Burn 100 Calories in 10 Minutes with This Quick Shot for Abs and Glutes

Instead of going right from Christmas dinner to the couch or rushing to the mall first thing on the 26th, take 10 minutes to treat your body right.

This quick shot video features exercises that will raise your heart rate, tone your glutes, and strengthen your core. You may not burn off everything you ate on Christmas Day, but it's a great start!

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7 Painless Ways to Drink More Water Everyday

How many times have you gotten to lunch and realized you haven't had a sip of water since breakfast, and maybe not even then? Maybe you're too busy to notice your thirst. Or maybe you're one of those people who can't stand to drink plain water. I hear you! But there are ways to make drinking water a seamless and enjoyable part of your day.

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Total 5 min, back exercises you do at home to relieve back pain and stiffness.