Quick Morning Workout! Start Your Day Right

So much to do, and so little time. Sound familiar? If you find yourself in a position where you just don't have the time to exercise, try this quick morning workout. You might find it gets your mind revved up for the day a lot better than just a cup of coffee. Trust me, your body will love you for it.

image by @bornpacific

image by @bornpacific

Morning exercises

Circuit 1 (1 Set)

  • Bird dog, 20 to 30 seconds

  • Cat and cow, 20 to 30 seconds

  • Downward dog, 20 to 30 seconds

Circuit 2 (1 Set)

  • Push ups (modify if needed by doing these on your knees or off of wall), 20 to 30 seconds

  • Jump squats, 20 to 30 seconds

  • Sit ups, 20 to 30 seconds

Remember, form is very important. Tighten your abs for every movement, letting them help you stabilize and keep your correct body position throughout the movement. Stay focused, breathe, and connect your mind on the muscles you're using. Let them work for you and get strong. You will get stronger! 

Give yourself 20 to 30 seconds for each exercise, with little to no rest between exercises. It will take you approximately 5 minute to complete this workout. For more of a challenge, try 45 seconds to 1 minute per exercise. 

If you're needing a push and could use a greater kick start to your healthy way of living, give me a call at (760) 658-4708 and schedule a complimentary consultation. It's worth the investment!

For more quick shot workouts, check out these posts:

