Why Personal Training at My Carlsbad Gym Is Better Than a Butt Lift

glute workouts personal training carlsbad

It seems every woman wants a firm yet curvy booty these days. With the rise of Kim Kardashian and social media it’s no surprise that the glutes are getting more attention.

I grew up in a multiracial family with Southern roots, so I’ve always believed that curves are beautiful. It’s one of the reasons I don’t compete in professional bodybuilding here in San Diego—you have to get super lean in order to qualify. It’s also one of the reasons that I incorporate so many functional glute exercises into my personal training sessions. A lot of the gym equipment in my Carlsbad personal training studio is geared toward glutes as well.

However, a lot of women try to shortcut the process with procedures like the Brazilian butt lift, which has more than doubled in popularity since 2012. Unfortunately, the Brazilian butt lift  has the highest risk of death of any cosmetic surgery. In addition, many women I’ve met are unhappy with the results, which don’t look as natural or as dramatic as they were hoping.

The good news is that, like I said, my personal training gym in Carlsbad focuses on your glutes. It can give you even better results than a Brazilian butt lift. Here’s why.

Personal Training Get the Most Natural Results

Some women are really happy with the results of their butt lift. But many complain that their post-op butt looks unnatural and that they are embarrassed to wear a swimsuit because it’s so obvious they had work done! Imagine going to the beach in Carlsbad after paying thousands of dollars and a painful recovery, and then not wanting to show off the results!

When you work out with a personal trainer like me, your glutes will naturally build tone and definition that fits with the rest of your shape. And believe me, you will see a difference! You can’t build a nice butt without time and effort, but the results are undeniably dramatic. You will love how you look when you take off your cover up at the pool!

carlsbad personal training squats

Personal Training Will Make You More Confident Overall

Imagine you have the perfect butt...but your arms still sag and you still have a pooch. You would probably not be satisfied and start fixating on the next thing that you need to correct, right?

The beauty of personal training is that it tones everything. As you lose weight and build muscle in your glutes, the rest of your body will also become more toned, so when you look in the mirror you will finally feel happy with what you see.

This isn’t to say you will ever be perfectly happy with your appearance. Few of us are. But what I’ve seen over my years as a personal trainer in Carlsbad is that a woman who works out regularly may see a little cellulite, for example, but it doesn’t bother her like it used to because she is so proud of how far her body has come.

Brazilian Butt Lifts Don’t Strengthen Your Glutes

I see this with abs too—women are so focused on appearance that they forget that these problematic muscle groups are just that, muscles! They have a functional purpose as well.

If you have a sagging butt, it means that you lack glute strength. The glutes are a powerhouse. I could write several blog posts on the importance of strong glutes.

Just an example, I have a personal training client in Vista who partially tore her ACL, a ligament in her knee. With proper conditioning focused in particular on the glutes, the client was able to recover knee function and eliminate pain without surgery. However, every time the client takes a break from personal training, she notices that her glutes become weaker and her knee acts up until she gets back in the gym.

This is just one of the ways the glutes are linked to the rest of the body! Whether you’re a mom, a businesswoman, an athlete, or just want to do your activities of daily living with more ease, it’s important to strengthen this muscle group.

That said, a butt lift is purely concerned with the cosmetic appearance of your glutes and does nothing to make them stronger. By working out with a personal trainer like me, you not only address your cosmetic concerns, but also get more function from these muscles.

Contact Me Today for a Free Assessment

I have a few spots open for new clients at my private personal training studio in Carlsbad, California. If you’d like to learn more about personal training, please contact me at (760) 658-4708 to schedule your free 30-minute assessment.

I just want to add that you can certainly do glutes on your own, without a personal trainer. However, you may not get the results you’re looking for. The glutes are a difficult muscle group to work, and you need to push them to failure to really see a difference. I can help you do that.