Three Social Smartphone Fitness Apps to Keep You Motivated

The most challenging part of any fitness plan is sticking with it after the first few weeks. It’s difficult to keep going when your initial determination fades and the rest of life demands your time and attention.

However, studies suggest that you can fight back by exercising with a friend. The social pressure and inherent competition may keep you motivated over the long haul, resulting in greater weight loss.

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Paleo Recipe: My Favorite Tacos

These tacos are based off of a recipe I found in Bon Appetit several years ago. The magazine version used mashed black beans instead of meat, and everything was piled on a traditional corn tortilla. While the original recipe is certainly tasty, it’s far from Paleo. Here I’ve adapted it using ground beef (grass fed is best) and that Paleo all-star, butter lettuce.

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