Stay Fit During The Holidays! Plan Out Door Activities The Whole Family Will Love

It's true, families that are active together, create a bond that brings them closer together and create an abundance of joyful memories you'll share time and time again.  During this holiday season stay fit by being active with your family. If you have a lot littles ones in the house, here are some great, "tire them out" games, that you'll all enjoy. Don't just sit back and enjoy them playing, Jump in! Be creative, make teams, adults vs. kids. You know your kids, get active with them and make it something you'll always remember.

When the family gets together, I love to have outdoor activities as "family time".  Even though my kids are older, we still jump on the bikes, skateboards and hit the beach or cruz the neighborhood. I like to sneek a game in there to challenge my kids. They are never shy when it comes to a competition, especially with their mom.

If your thinking of riding bikes, a dear friend of mine Denise, owns a great bike rental shop, Pedego Carlsbad. It's in Carlsbad, by the beach. It's a great ride for the family, especially if you have family in town and you'd like to show them how beautiful it is to live here. Also, burn off some of those calories we tend to pack on during the holidays.

For bike rentals in Carlsbad check out


(760) 729-2453

Have An Amazing Time With Your Family This Holiday Season. Stay Active Together, Building Bonds That Will Last A life time!