Posts tagged personal trainer carlsbad
Will Personal Training Make You Bulky?

“I’m not sure I want to work with you. You’re really muscular, and I don’t want to get bulky.” I hear this sometimes from women who are thinking about training with me. I always tell them that it’s totally fine with me. You actually can’t build my kind of muscle by accident. It’s actually harder to build muscle than it is to lose weight!

When you train with me, you’re achieving your goals, not mine.

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7 Painless Ways to Drink More Water Everyday

How many times have you gotten to lunch and realized you haven't had a sip of water since breakfast, and maybe not even then? Maybe you're too busy to notice your thirst. Or maybe you're one of those people who can't stand to drink plain water. I hear you! But there are ways to make drinking water a seamless and enjoyable part of your day.

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