3 Best Mother’s Day Gifts for the Mama Getting Fit


Calling all mamas! Whether her little ones are 2 or 20, now is the time to get fit. As a personal trainer, I see a lot of women struggling with weak glutes and abs. Many also have weak pelvic floor muscles from childbirth. It’s no surprise then that these three areas get most of our attention during sessions.

Here are a few Mother’s Day gift ideas for the mama in your life as she works to get her body back.

Resistance or “Booty” Bands

My new YouTube channel will have plenty of exercises for glutes and abs. For a little extra kick, my favorite exercises use a resistance band. I like to put one just above my knees for lateral band walks, clamshells, fire hydrants, and donkey kicks. The resistance makes an easy exercise so much harder, so your mama will really feel that burn in her glutes.

Find one here.

Waist Trainer

I recommend waist trainers, not because they’ll magically shrink your mama’s waist like some of them claim, but because they force her to engage her abs throughout an entire workout. I also feel like I sweat more when I wear one.

Find one here.

CLA + Carnitine

This supplement really stands out for women who are looking to lose weight. Conjugated linoleic acid has been found to reduce body fat in exercisers. Carnitine is another great nutrient that helps the body burn fat more efficiently.

Buy it here.

Personal Training

Personal training is a great gift for moms-to-be! There are numerous benefits to personal training during pregnancy, including an easier time bouncing back afterward. Contact me for more information.