Full Body Workout You Can Do in Any Gym

I'm back with a full body workout routine that will strengthen and tone your glutes, shoulders, core, and more!

The best things about this full body workout routine are 1) it can be done in any gym (it just uses free weights), 2) it should only take about 30 minutes once you're warmed up, and 3) it can be adapted to any level--just choose your weights according to your ability!

This full body workout routine is what I call a "quick shot." Quick shots are any workout that you can squeeze in between your other activities. Sometimes I only have a short window of time between clients for my own workout, so I'll bust out a quick shot because something is better than nothing.

No matter how busy you are, you owe it to yourself to get your workout in daily. Self care is so important for our physical and mental health. It may seem like a distraction from your other responsibilities, but what I've found is that self care actually makes me a better mom, personal trainer, and business owner. That's why even if I can only squeeze in 30 minutes, I'll get it done so I can be fully present and strong in the rest of my life.

So what does a good training regimen look like? I would shoot for a full body workout routine like this one 1 to 2 times a week, with another 1 to 2 times a week dedicated to more specific workouts like abs, arms, etc. I will share some of my favorite quick shots for these areas in future videos.

I also encourage you to squeeze in some cardio every day. It could be 10 to 15 minutes of high intensity interval training (HIIT) for maximum calorie burn in a short period of time, or it can be a more meditative endurance activity, where you maintain a steady effort for a longer period of time. Think swimming or running or even the elliptical at your local gym.

As you incorporate full body workout routines into your week, you'll notice that your activities of daily living (playing with your kids, getting in and out of your car, carrying groceries, cleaning) become easier and so does your cardio. Your form on the treadmill will improve, or if you like using a row machine you'll notice that your shoulders become more powerful.

I included a simple but extensive warm up in this total body workout routine as well. It definitely adds time to your workout, but it's so worth it for preventing injury and improving performance. I like to start with massaging any sore areas with a Hyperice Hypervolt massage gun. Then I do some dynamic stretching featuring yoga-inspired poses to increase my flexibility and warm up my muscles. I'll share more about both of these warm ups in future videos.

That's it for this week! Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more fitness tips and healthy Paleo recipes that will help you get fit and stay fit while eating tasty food. To get notifications of my new videos, click the bell icon. See you next week!