Posts tagged form
Strengthen Your Knees (Part 1) - Proper Deadlift and Belt Squat Form

That’s because the knee joint is connected to tendons that are connected to your glutes and quads. By strengthening your glutes and quads, you strengthen your knee and can many times reverse pain, even when there’s been a serious injury or lingering discomfort from surgery. Today’s video is the first in a three-part series. I’ll show you a quickshot workout you can do once or twice a week to target your glutes and quads, both to support your knees and provide overall strength to these muscle groups.

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Proper Form for Chest Press/Bench Press

Once you get a feel for proper form, you’ll be able to maintain it even when you get fatigued on your third or fourth set. This will make sure that the muscle group you’re targeting gets sufficiently worn out to get benefits. If you don’t use proper form for chest press, your body will start to compensate when you get tired by using your shoulder muscles, and you will see less progress over time. I don’t know about you, but I want my workouts to count!

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