5 Easy Tweaks to Support Healthy Weight Loss Naturally

natural healthy weight loss for women

Way to go--you’ve decided to lose weight, you’ve picked a weight-loss plan, and maybe you’re even a few weeks into your diet (and a few pounds down). Whatever program you’re doing, here are a few easy tweaks you can make to your lifestyle to support your weight loss.

natural appetite suppressant for weight loss

1. Use Grapefruit Essential Oil to Curb Your Appetite

Studies suggest that grapefruit may be effective at boosting metabolism and curbing appetite. I like to put grapefruit essential oil (or a blend containing it) in my water and diffuse it around my home. The scent has the added benefit of increasing my focus and motivation.

drink more water while losing weight to flush toxins

2. Drink More Water to Flush Toxins

Have you ever noticed how you feel extra tired when you’re losing weight? That’s because, as your fat cells shrink, they dump toxins into the bloodstream. You can counter some of this fatigue by drinking more water, which helps flush the toxins out of your system.


3. Get Enough Sleep to Make Healthier Choices

Most people focus on diet and exercise to lose weight. But did you know that sleep has a tremendous impact on weight via the hormones that control hunger? Getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night may help you make better food choices. It will also help with the fatigue you feel during weight loss.

use mindfulness exercises to increase willpower

4. Practice Mindfulness for More Self Control

Mindfulness is the art of recognizing and sitting with your present experience. It’s particularly helpful for weight loss because it teaches you that the hunger you may feel (perhaps in between meals) is something you can simply observe without a response. Exercises like meditation also increase willpower.  The Mindfulness App is a great option for developing this skill.

do something you're passionate about for weight loss

5. Find Your Passion When It Comes to Exercise

Exercise isn’t a chore when you’re doing something you love. If you dread working out, maybe it’s time to switch up your routine. One of the perks of working with a personal training is that your program can be personalized to fit your interests and abilities. I have two clients who workout together, and on Fridays we end our training sessions with a 15-minute dance party. It’s super fun and burns some serious calories!