Snap Green Beans with Red Potatoes and Turkey

Snap Green Beans with Turkey.png

My mama grew up in the South, so some of my favorite recipes are Southern classics, like these Snap Green Beans with Red Potatoes and Turkey. This tasty side dish often makes an appearance at holidays like Thanksgiving, but it’s good any time of year when you want something that’s hearty and comforting but still healthy.

My recipe for Snap Green Beans with Red Potatoes and Turkey has you cook the beans in a smoky broth for about an hour. When done, they should be melt-in-your-mouth tender, but not mushy. This may be a new way to cook for you if you’re used to crisp-tender vegetables, but believe me that your family will want seconds!

To make this Southern classic a little healthier, I’ve substituted the usual salt pork or bacon with smoked turkey leg. You can pick up a precooked turkey leg at Sprouts. The turkey adds just a little fat (and subsequently calories) but tons of flavor!

The red potatoes are a traditional addition. If you’re feeling lazy, just throw them in whole and unpeeled. I recommend letting them cook in the broth a little before adding the snap green beans, because the potatoes are going to take longer to cook.

Southern-Style Snap Green Beans with Red Potatoes and Turkey


  • 1 smoked turkey leg

  • 2 pounds green beans, ends snapped off and longer beans snapped in half, and rinsed

  • 2 cups chicken broth

  • 2 cups water

  • 1 teaspoon seasoning salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

  • 2 tbsp minced garlic

  • 3 or 4 red or gold potatoes (peel and cut if you want)

  • 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)


In a large pot, mix the broth and water.

Add the turkey leg and bring to a boil. Add potatoes and garlic to the pot. Add prepared green beans and continue to boil for 20 minutes.

Turn the heat to medium-low. Cover the pot and simmer for one to two hours, stirring occasionally. You'll know it's done when the green beans are tender and a fork easily slides in and out of the potatoes.

When green beans and potatoes are tender, remove the smoked turkey leg. Cut up the meat into chunks and put back into pot.

Check beans for seasoning and add extra salt and pepper to taste. I like lots of black pepper. Sprinkle with red pepper flakes, if you wish. Enjoy!