Proper Form for Chest Press/Bench Press

Proper form is everything in the gym, especially when it comes to exercises like chest press. In this video, I show you a few of my secrets for chest press/bench press, so you can get the full results of your workout.

If you’ve ever worked out for awhile without seeing results, it could very well be that you are not using proper form. I work with everyone from newcomers to professional martial arts competitors, and I’ve seen personal training clients at every level struggle to use proper form and keep it through the end of the workout.

That’s why I often start with simple movements in the gym before working up to heavier, more complex exercises. If you’re new to weightlifting, you can do the chest press exercises in this video, just start with an appropriate weight for your level. That might mean using 5 or 10 lb dumbbells, or doing bench press with just the bar. There’s no shame in starting light and working your way up. Just because I can lift heavy now doesn’t mean I didn’t have to start with the basics.

Once you get a feel for proper form, you’ll be able to maintain it even when you get fatigued on your third or fourth set. This will make sure that the muscle group you’re targeting gets sufficiently worn out to get benefits. If you don’t use proper form for chest press, your body will start to compensate when you get tired by using your shoulder muscles, and you will see less progress over time. I don’t know about you, but I want my workouts to count!

For another great workout targeting your back muscles, check out my YouTube video from a few weeks ago on Back Techniques & Exercises. And if you need help along the way, don’t hesitate to hit me up! I’m coming out with some online training programs soon!